got the course roster…cool

14 students enrolled so far… i am thinking about the course going live on the 13th and the communications i need to send out. Welcome note with : link to course… (not really sure how students will know where the course is… i did put a note and link and video welcome in the BB course shell… I also turned everything off there so that there would be less confusion. )invites to voicethread.invites to twitter.invites to diigo. 

getting closer

quite anxious about how moodle works. don’t understand the gradebook. or how to grade assignments. Set it up thought i think. I hate math… Am still struggling with how to assess and evaluate in a pass/fail course. I am worried about the amount of work in the course. Is is enough? is it too much? I am working on rubrics for the activities. I am really worried about the lack of HelpDesk for this course. I don’t know yet how this is all going to work… the students have to get in my moodle course… not sure how.Then they have to get course shells of their own to build their own courses in… not sure how.I want to give them a template to quick start them.. not sure how.If they have problems with moodle the students will need help… not sure how they’ll get that. So really it is logistics/tech support and finishing up my explanations of evaluation… ummmm oh and figuring out how they will turn in their written course review assignments . I want those all turned in first, before they can see them all. I am trying to work in self-evaluation, and peer review of work. I am feeling anxious. I had also wanted to co-create the rubrics with the students, but am not confident enough to try that.

stress… stressing …. stressed

the course starts next week. i feel overwhelmed with the responsibility of making this course good and of making it a good, positive and meaningful experience for the students. I have so much that still needs to be worked out. 

  • All my rubrics…
  • Trying to figure out how to foster, encourage, elicit, design for high quality interaction in a pass/fail course. 
  • how we will use diigo. I think i have to have the students help me figure that out, cuz i am just not sure yet. Have to use it to know…
  • How students will get their own Moodle shells… i have totally not worked that out yet. With little/no tech support for the students this is a HUGE concern for me. I want to give them a quickstart in their shell so that they don’t have to start from scratch … i need more time…
  • I am worried that the course will not be perfect…i am hoping they will understand… i hope it will be good… i hope i can do this… taking a deep  B R E A T H…