
diigo for etap687. I believe there is something very powerful  in this tool. I am in the process evaluating it for instructional and professional development purposes.

So far these are my thoughts:

  1. I think I can easily mark up online student work with this tool.
  2. I think online students can mark up each other’s online work with this tool. and discuss. One of the course activities is to use a rubric to evaluate an online course that the students will each be building as the main project for the course. The course review, I think, can be done using diigo. I think… not sure yet.
  3. Online students can easily create annotated bibliographies of web resource in directed learning activities AND share and discuss them with others in the class.
  4. This resource can grow and be available for the online course from term to term.
  5. In addition, for webenhanced courses, this is an awesome, easy, slick, cool way to incorporate some very cool online enhancements to a f2f course that completely bypasses all the extra unnecessary flotsam you get with a full on CMS/LMS. you get a lot of functional features bang for the “buck” in this tool. It is a slick tool with a lot of functionality to suport interaction/collaboration, etc.
  6. When i have my university administrator’s hat on i also see great potential as a tool to facilitate and enhance community and for professional development. I have an extended staff of 50-100 online instructional designers that i could use this tool with to aggregate links and info and resources and networking. We have over 3,000 online faculty that we could use this with to support them with info and resources and networking – differenciating between the needs of new online faculty and experienced online faculty… there is potential for discipline specific resources and info for online faculty… and it goes on.

As i said, i am exploring this tool for its potential, and i think there is something here.

I have several questions:

  1. Can a group be open for viewing by the public, but closed to participation unless you are a member of the group. I think so.
  2. Also, can you export stuff out… to archive it, keep it safe, take it to another tool?

One thought on “diigo?

  1. Alex,

    Thanks for sharing your Diigo experience! Glad that you found Diigo useful…

    Your questions:

    1) yes – even with a public group, you can have 3 options:

    # Open – anyone can join
    # Apply to join — moderator approval required
    # By invitation only

    2) Yes – lots of export options

    Thought you might be interested to know that Diigo was founded by a former EECS professor at UC Berkeley, so we’d like to see Diigo made into good use and contribute to the educational community!

    Welcome to the Diigo community!



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