moodle doodle

The first time i started using moodle, i just jumped into it cold, no documentation , just pushed buttons.
I guess i am just observing myself and how i do things. I don’t read manuals, or like to use instructions. I like to learn by doing. I also like to be shown. I MUCH prefer someone to show me how to do something. Then, as i am doing something, if i can’t quite figure it out, (and there is no one around to ask or show me) i will look up the step by step instructions on how to do it. But there has to be a specific thing i need to do and it needs to be in a real context – i need to have it be an urgent need to do accomplish something. In other words, the motivation to do the thing needs to be strong enough that i will do anything even look for and use instructions to achieve that end.

So this is how it has been with moodle for me… i have not used a specific manual… i just played with it, pushed buttons and figured it out. That is how I found the “gradebook” the other day. I just clicked buttons and tabs and set it up. I have nooooooooo idea if i did it right, how it works, if it will work.  I did the same thing with the quiz, the survey and the written assignment collector… I have looked up a couple of things along the way. Just googled for instructions. That worked.

But I am not sure how to test things from the student perspective, so it is hard to write instructions and to really understand how this is all going to work.  And there are some things i have not really figured out yet. I guess there is a tactile aspect to how i like to learn and an experiential aspect… and i like that. i really like it.

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